1. what is rajid doing with his phone ?
2. why is rajid feeling doubtful on buying shoes online ?
3. what is annisa's suggestion to rajid about buying shoes?
4. what does anisa suggest rajid for the weekend ?
5. how does rajid respond to anisa's suggestion?
2. why is rajid feeling doubtful on buying shoes online ?
3. what is annisa's suggestion to rajid about buying shoes?
4. what does anisa suggest rajid for the weekend ?
5. how does rajid respond to anisa's suggestion?

- Rajid is checking shoes model with his phone.
- Because last time he bought shoes online it didn't fit well.
- Annisa's suggestion is to try the shoes before buying them.
- Anisa suggests to go to a sport store.
- Rajid loves the idea.
Soal di atas membahas tentang suggestion and offer atau saran dan penawaran. Dalam dialog yang diberikan menceritakan tentang Rajid yang sedang melihat model-model sepatu di toko online. Namun ia tidak mau membeli sepatu secara online karena tidak bisa dicoba sebelum dibeli. Maka Annisa memberikan saran untuk mencoba sepatu tersebut sebelum membelinya dan menawarkan kepada Rajid untuk pergi bersama ke toko olahraga mencari sepatu.
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- Materi tentang cara memahami kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris https://brainly.co.id/tugas/31849344
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